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Cole and DJ break it all down and highlight the features, materials and installation process.
Just what you would expect from a company like this! Wish items like this would have been around back in the days when I was bouncing around. A lot of thought and time was put into the functionality of this riser. Great product!!!
Other than slightly elevated (1/2”-3/4” max) scopes on some very old hunting rifles, I have no experience running any high mount systems. I knee before hand that putting my Eotech on this was system was going to have a learning curve, but to be honest, the position almost felt natural. I had remembered DJ explaining in a video a while back about the off hand position between the rifle and the pistol should feel identical, sure enough a grip change on the rifle and building a strong foundation with my feet and it made everything feel extremely normal.
Great overall experience with the system. Cannot wait to really burn down the rifle on the flat range and get more time with it!
Thank you GBRS for everything you all do and everything you all stand for!
I’ll add a photo at another time if it will let me.
High quality, outstanding design. Just set up on my rifle and it changes everything.