Las garantías del producto se ofrecen en productos seleccionados. El tipo de garantía aparecerá en la página del producto, si corresponde.
If you're looking for product info on an upcoming drop, it won't be available until the drop date/time or the product many not be available in your market. To receive notifications when products go live, please subscribe to our text & email alerts.
Las garantías del producto se ofrecen en productos seleccionados. El tipo de garantía aparecerá en la página del producto, si corresponde.
We offer a limited lifetime warranty against defects in materials or workmanship affecting the quality and function of its products when used in the correct manner.
Products must not have been misused, improperly set-up, or been abused for this warranty to apply. The determination is solely ours and its obligation will be to repair or replace the defective product.
Purchaser determines suitability of all product usage and assumes all risk and liability. Neither the seller or manufacturer shall be held liable for any injury, loss or damage from use of the product.
Please contact us for a written return authorization before sending anything back. No credits of any kind will be offered without such authorization.
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